Thank you for your interest in supporting the Foothill High School Boys Lacrosse Program. We are extremely lucky to have a championship lacrosse program in our backyard, but it takes support from the players, their families and the community to make a program of this caliber run smoothly and successfully.
All ads, sponsorships and donations are tax deductible (Tax Id No. 91-217069)
Lacrosse contributions and sponsorships help fund the following:
Up to ten (10) coaches for Fall, Winter and Spring seasons
Personalized Conditioning, Strength and Speed Training and Additional Weight Room Supervision
Game Film and Photography
Upgraded Field Equipment
Varsity Home Game Announcer
Team Bonding Events
Pre-Game Meals and Visiting Team Hospitality
Senior night and End of Year Banquet
With a $500 donation, participating sponsors will receive:
Full Page Back Cover Ad in the FHS LAX Media Guide (only one available)
Logo Placement on the sponsor tab of the the FHS LAX website (logo only, to be provided by the sponsor)
With a $450 donation, participating sponsors will receive:
Full Page Ad in the FHS LAX Media Guide (only one available)
Logo Placement on the sponsor tab of the the FHS LAX website (logo only, to be provided by the sponsor)
With a $350 donation, participating sponsors will receive:
Half Page Ad in the FHS LAX Media Guide
Logo Placement on the sponsor tab of the the FHS LAX website (logo only, to be provided by the sponsor)
Banners: All banners are 36"x72" vinyl with grommets, printed in FHS colors and hung at all FHS LAX home games. Past sponsors will receive a $50 credit to use an existing banner.
Art Guidelines: We can use your properly formatted JPG or PGN artwork or parent volunteers will create your banner with your JPG or PNG artwork/ logo.
Questions or to become a FHS Lax Sponsor
Please contact